Spark of Joy Postcards

What is this thing?

It is a one year subscription to a monthly postcard. The front of the postcard is one of my illustrations. The back, a handwritten note.

AND You, the subscriber can share #thesparkofjoy (aka the monthly postcard) with friends, family, enemies, acquaintances and/or strangers of all sorts and shapes of your choice or collect them all yourself πŸ™‚

Each month a google form will be emailed to subscribers where they can choose to change who receives their #sparkofjoy – along with the option to add their own personalized messages to the receiver that I will hand write. How cool?! Ya, that’s what they thought – the amazing folks who backed my Kickstarter that’s who. And to all You who backed the Kickstarter project – Thank You πŸ™‚

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This whole thing is a SMASH BOOM BANG mashup of ideas from others and my own experience that I have reordered into this idea.

The ideas:

  1. A creative artist friend that I’ve shared some amazing coffee conversations with began a zine. I subscribed and I love it. I love the hand lettered envelope, reading her thoughts and seeing the new illustrations.
  2. Have you ever got a postcard? I love getting a postcard! Someone invested time to pick out a card and write to me? Ah shucks πŸ™‚ What joy!
  3. I have been scheming of an idea to take to Kickstarter. I think this is an excellent platform to produce and create as an independent artist.
  4. My own visual art journey has been has been an exploration of a break down towards simple which I feel lends well to a postcard. And now I have challenged myself to remove color for the postcards.

After sitting on this mashup of ideas for a couple years, this winter I decided it was time to put myself out there and I started a Kickstarter Campaign.  AND it was succesful!!!  Check it out here πŸ™‚

Below are a couple videos I made for the project.  They were a fun way to get the creative juices flowing. And at the very end of the page find an interview I did with the ol’ hometown newspaper.


Williston Daily Herald article by Mitch Melberg January 1, 2020