After struggling to find a website that was what I wanted for the art room I sought out help to create what I wanted.

The purpose of the site was to improve the communication between the triangle of: parent/guardian, teacher and student. Seek and Celebrate would allow for more opportunities to celebrate and build a stronger support for the student.

During the website creation great care was taken to keep each students timeline private with access only allowed to those in the triangle.

The website was a simple idea, much like Instagram, it was a feed of pictures and comments. A text update feature was added to notify parents/guardians that an update on the timeline was published. As well as the option to send class notes (used mostly for lesson descriptions to keep parents/guardians informed and grade notifications) to everyone on a class list created a wonderful platform to celebrate the daily work happening in the art room.

The website is now down (due to cost). You can still get a feel and see the basic operations in these YouTube tutorials I created. YouTube Tutorials